Once a draft set of release notes has been created, it is possible to add additional assets to the release using the addasset command.
Required Parameters
: The access token to access GitHub with.-o, --owner
: The owner of the repository.-r, --repository
: The name of the repository.-t, --tagName
: The name of the release (Typically this is the generated SemVer Version Number).-a, --assets
: Path(s) to the file(s) to include in the release. This is a comma separated list of files to include
Optional Parameters
-d, -targetDirectory
: The directory on which GitReleaseManager should be executed. Defaults to current directory.-l, -logFilePath
: Path to where log file should be created. Defaults to logging to console.
gitreleasemanager.exe addasset -t 0.1.0 -u bob --token fsdfsf67657sdf5s7d5f -r repo -a c:\buildartifacts\setup.exe,c:\buildartifacts\setup.nupkg
gitreleasemanager.exe create --tagName 0.1.0 --token fsdfsf67657sdf5s7d5f --owner repoOwner --repository repo --assets c:\buildartifacts\setup.exe,c:\buildartifacts\setup.nupkg